Thursday, April 26, 2012

Flagstaff Arizona Criminal Attorney Help

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9.Do I have to appear on my court date for my civil traffic violation if I am going to just pay the fine?
No, you may come in anytime up to your scheduled date to pay your ticket. Bring your copy of the citation with you.
10.Do I have to appear for my court date for my civil traffic violation if I am going to defensive driving school?
No, however, you must contact the court on or before your court date to inform them of your intentions. You must also contact the driving school on or before your court date. You can not attend the driving school if you have already gone within the last two years, if there was an accident, or if the violation involved a serious injury or death. The ticket must be for a moving civil violation, please contact the defensive driving school you wish to attend to see if your violation qualifies. For a list of acceptable violations go to: More...
11.Must I attend a specific driving school?
No, you may attend any of the 20 driving schools certified by the Arizona Supreme Court. A list is available at: More...
12.Can I have an extension for driving school or to provide proof of insurance or registration?
The court gives you 45 days to complete driving school and it will not grant an extension, however, the school will require you to complete the class 7 days prior to your 45 day extension. The court will give you an additional 30 days to provide proof of insurance or registration but you must contact the court on or before your original court date for permission.
13.What is Traffic Survival School (TSS)?
If you are found responsible for, or guilty of certain specific violations, the law may require your attendance at a Traffic Survival Schools (TSS) Class. These classes are presented under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Division of the Arizona Department of Transportation. They have no connection to the Defensive Driving School Program and classes are NOT interchangeable. For more information go to: More...
14.Why is the amount that I owe more than what is listed on the fine schedule?
If you failed to take any action on your ticket on or before your scheduled court date, the court enters a default judgment against you and must add a $30.00 Time Payment Fee. If the court has ordered your license suspended by Motor Vehicles, a $50.00 suspension fee is added, you will also pay a reinstatement fee at motor vehicles. A $25.00 default fee will be added if you have made no contact with the court on or before your court date.
15.Can I contest the default judgment against me?
You may write a letter to the judge explaining why you are requesting that the default judgment be set aside. The judge may make a ruling based on your letter or set your case for a hearing.
16.If I have a ticket that requires proof of something in order for the fine to be reduced or dismissed and it is past my court date, what do I do?
If it is past your court date, the citation is due for the full amount. You may submit your proof with a letter of explanation for review by the judge, but the court is not required to reduce or dismiss a ticket if it is past due.
17.I did not pay my civil traffic citation when I was supposed to. Is there a warrant for my arrest?
No, the court does not issue warrants on civil traffic citations. However, the court may have suspended your driver's license and/or placed a hold on your vehicle registration, you must pay the ticket in full before your license can be reinstated or the registration hold removed.
18.Can I make payments on a past due ticket that has caused my license to be suspended?
Yes, but the court will not lift the suspension until the ticket is paid in full.
19.Can I pay my ticket at Motor Vehicles?
No, all payments for traffic citations must be made at the court. If your license is suspended and you pay off your ticket, you will be required to pay a reinstatement fee at Motor Vehicles.
20.I am a juvenile (any person under 18 years of age) or I am the parent of a juvenile with a traffic ticket. What do I do?
Juveniles who receive civil traffic citations must appear in court at the scheduled time and date with a parent or legal guardian. The hearing is not a trial, but an opportunity for the judge to explain the options available to the juvenile and his or her parent.
21.Do I have to appear at my arraignment or any other scheduled hearing?
Yes, you must appear at all court hearings including your arraignment or a warrant will be issued for your arrest.
22.What if I need to continue my arraignment?
If you are unable to appear at your scheduled date, you may request the arraignment be held at an earlier time (the court sets the time) or you may post an appearance bond and have the date changed to a later date.
23.How do I continue any other hearing including my trial?
All requests for continuances must be made in writing no later than five days prior to your hearing. You must include contact information on your request so the court can inform you of the judge’s decision. Requests are not granted automatically so it is your responsibility to find out if your request has been granted or not.More...
24.What if I have a warrant for my arrest?
If you have a warrant for your arrest, you may post the amount of the bond to quash the warrant and have an arraignment date scheduled. You may also contact a warrants officer who can schedule a time to see the judge. Only the judge can make the decision of whether you are arrested or not.
25.I paid my fine in full, but I still have a warrant for my arrest, why?
The warrant was probably issued before you paid your fine. Once a warrant is issued, you must personally appear before the judge before the warrant is quashed.
26.How do I find out if there is a warrant for my arrest?
You can contact the court and speak with a warrant officer to see if there are any outstanding warrants against you.
27.I was cited for a criminal offense, how much is the fine?
There is no standard fine amount for criminal offenses. All fine amounts are determined by the judge. If you have already been sentenced, you will need to speak with the fines administrator.
28.How do I drop charges against someone?
Only the prosecutor can request that charges be dropped against someone.
29.How do I find out when I am supposed to appear in court?
Your court date is listed on your ticket, release paperwork, or other paperwork you have received from the court. If you have lost your paperwork, please gather information about the charges, when and where it occurred, and all personal information prior to contacting the court, so we can more readily assist you.
30.What is CAPP Program?
The CAPP Program (Children are Priceless Passengers) is an educational program that offers child safety seat classes in the Flagstaff area. For more information contact the Coconino County Health Department at (928) 522-7871. The court will dismiss first time violations of child passenger restraint laws upon completion of the program
31.Court Conduct
People entering the courthouse must pass through a metal detector and may be subject to search. Purses, briefcases, or other containers will be required to pass through an X-ray machine and may also be subject to search. Weapons including, but not limited to, pocketknives, tools, mace, or other personal protection devices are strictly prohibited within the courthouse facility. Below are several things you should know before you visit the courthouse:
* It is important that visitors understand the appropriate dress code for the court. The court is a place of business and visitors should wear clean clothes. Please take your hat off before entering any courtroom.
* All cell phones and pagers should be turned off before entering the courtroom.
* It is also important to know that food, drink, and ALL weapons are strictly prohibited from the building. Do not attempt to bring in any prohibited items. The court will not store prohibited items in the lobby for pick-up. Leave these items at home, or in your car. 

The following is an alphabetical listing of the various departments located within our organization. Click on any of the departments for a listing of the contacts within that department.

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